Leader in Industrial Odour Control

Centriair creates high-efficiency industrial air treatment solutions that meet the strictest emission requirements with the fewest possible resources.

Separate Eliminate Control

We help our customers master the complexities of industrial air treatment by separating particles and gas streams, eliminating harmful substances and through our remote monitoring, control performance optimization.

Separation Technologies

Advanced separation technologies remove harmful particles and separate aerosols, some of which can be captured and reused in industrial processes.

Elimination Technologies

Innovative catalytic and oxidative techno­logies eliminate harmful process gases and odors with low energy and maintenance costs.

Control and optimization systems

Real-time monitoring, control and opti­mization systems ensure the highest levels of sustained performance.

Solid waste handling

odour reduction
45.5 %

8x smaller footprint

biogas production

odour reduction
45.5 %

32.190 m3/h

food processing

odour reduction
45.5 %

7x energy savings

Reduce environmental and health impact

Highly effective particle and gas removal, odor elimination, aerosol and gas separation, and climate emission reduction.

Save energy, space and cost

Ensure the highest energy efficiency, smallest footprint and lowest total cost of ownership.

high performance assured

Assured high performance with specialized solutions for key industrial applications, controlled and verified by real-time data.