Industrial Odour Control in Solid Waste

Handling and Converting organic or compostable waste to biogas raw material is a process that involves odor challenges. Typically, it will involve reception from trucks, storage, pressing and other handling stages. 

Depending on the type of waste handled, volumes and size of hall, the solutions are adapted slightly. Place of installation will also affect the final solution, is the installation inside or outdoors, can standard vessels be used or is something tailored to fit into a certain area needed. Please do not hesitate to get in contact to see examples and look at how we can find something perfect for your particular needs. We also do have a number of interesting reference sites.

Industrial service

Solid Waste Handling

Solid Waste Handling is an industry that is critical to society, Waste must always be processed with short lead times, so the reliability of all components in the plan is essential. Typically these are large facilities that also need high Air Change rates to ensure that working conditions are acceptable. The effect is a large airvolume with unpleasant smells.

Our ColdOxTM solutions effectively eliminate odour emissions at significantly lower energy use compared to competing systems. In addition a very limited footprint is needed saving plant space. The system reliability and stability is high and the maintenance cost-effective and quick.

ColdOxTM system is the best solution for the Solid Waste Handling industry as it is based on oxidation of volatile compounds through the use of high intensity UV, excess ozone, and photo chemical oxidation supported by special purpose catalysts. The system achieves up to 98% performance rate at any temperatures with a minimum energy requirement.


Composting includes reception halls, in some cases machining, composting tunnels and maturing.

Odour concentrations vary strongly depending on the type of process, but also type of feedstock. With high humidity and usually ammonia load, we typically use a combination of scrubber and ColdOx.

Want to learn more about Odour treatment in the Solid Waste segment?

If you have any questions about odour challenges or solutions, feel free to contact Emanuel.

Emanuel andersson

Global Biogas Key Accounts