Industrial Odour Control in Slaughterhouse & Rendering

At slaughterhouses and rendering plants, managing air quality is crucial for maintaining hygiene standards, ensuring employee safety, and minimizing environmental impact.


Slaughter house waste industry can be a challenging area to treat odour. It is clear that high levels of H2S and other compounds that are released during daily operations can be highly dangerous. Besides, in some cases slaughter houses are located not too far from neighborhoods and communities causing negative perception from people living nearby.

To treat this specific type of odour, Centriair uses two stages: pre-treatment of H2S and main treatment of odour compounds – creating the most effective system that is applicable to individual client.


Not all material from the slaughter house goes to waste. Certain parts of the animal are later on used to produce other products such as gelatin and etc. Despite giving economic advantage for the material use, the process of rendering can be rather hazardous, considering that animal blood can release ammonia and high levels of H2S.
Centriair has decades of experience and research to treat these odour compounds with around 98% of odour elimination. H2S within rendering can be pre-treated with the use of SulphaRed™or Scrubbers which will decrease all highly concentrated hazardous compounds. Later on, trough the use of other systems as UV exposure, carbon filtration, etc we make sure to provide a client with the safest work environment.

Liquid Waste Tank Handling

Liquid waste includes for instance recycled oil and other process liquids.

This is an application that has varying process steps, all from storage to heat treatment.

Odour concentrations greatly varying and aerosols may occur. Typically ColdOx only, with droplet separator. Centrifuges may be applied if aerosol levels are high or particle distribution challenging.

Production Emissions

Greatly varying area, tied to the type of production. Please consult us regarding this.

Want to learn more about Odour treatment in the Slaughterhouse and Rendering segment?

If you have any questions about odour challenges or solutions, feel free to contact Oliver.

Oliver Mills

Manager Export Sales