
For a further look into the industrial odour treatment industry, including the latest trends, innovations, and solutions, we encourage you to check out our latest blog post. It’s packed with valuable insights to help you stay informed and up to date.

All You Need to Know About Industrial Odour Control

Odour, or stench, generated in industrial processes is the result of chemical reactions and biological processes that release odour-generating substances and gases. These may include aldehydes, terpenes, sulfur-containing compounds, amines,

Centriair 2023

Centriair Company Conference 2023

In April, our company held its annual conference and it was an incredible success! 🎉 We had the opportunity to bring together all the Centriair employees and engage in thought-provoking discussions

Centriair are experts in purifying air and removing bad odors

“Centriair is a process air purification company with proprietary technology and products that provide energy savings and replace environmentally harmful technology,” says Per Kaijser, electrical engineer and co-founder of Scandinavian

Evercreech Installation Progresses

Our highly skilled installation team is making a huge progress with our project delivery in Evercreech, UK. Stay tuned for more pictures and information! And of course, if it is